Papillomais a benign epithelialtumor growing outwardly in finger-like frondscaused by Human Papilloma Virus. It usually appears on neck, face, axillary region, near mammary glands, but generally it can appear anywhere. Since papilloma is caused by a virus, it can be spread by skin to skin contact. Unfortunately, papilloma has a tendency of multiplying upon the skin of an infected person. . There are several factors contributing to papilloma appearing, such as wearing tight shoes, hyperhidrosis of the feet, wearing excessive bijouterie, too tight collars and etc.
In many cases papilloma might get injured and cause secondary infection. The removal of papilloma is a common aesthetical procedure. If it has a tendency of spreading upon your body, you need a consultation of the dermatologist, who will determine the most effective method of papilloma removal.
Warts are benign tumors of the epidermis caused by a virus. Human papillomavirus is typically spread via skin-to-skin contact between an infected person and an uninfected person. It typically enters the body through small abrasions or cuts in the skin. This viral infection is also commonly spread during sexual intercourse. In some cases HPV can also be passed from a mother to her child during the birthing process. More often it affects children and adults with immune deficiency (caused by chronic diseases, bad alimentation etc.)
HPV may affect the genital area, or it may result in warts appearing elsewhere on the body, such as on the arms, hands or feet. The typical wart is a raised round or oval growth on the skin with a rough surface.
- The spot may be lighter, darker compared to other skin.
- Some warts have smooth or flat surfaces.
Different types of warts include:
Common warts usually appear on the arms, hands, soles of the feet. Actually they can appear anywhere. They can be painless or very painful. Plantar warts tend to occur on the feet due to wearing the uncomfortable shoes. They look like corns and are quite painful, especially at movement. Warts between the toes quickly multiply with people who have hyperhidrosis of the feet.
Genital warts (condyloma) are usually found on the genitals. The viral particles are able to penetrate the skin and mucosal surfaces through microscopic abrasions in the genital area, which occur during sexual activity. Once cells are invaded by HPV, a latency (quiet) period of months to years (decades) may occur. HPV can last for several years without a symptom.
Plane juvenile warts- appear in young age.
A biopsy must be done to confirm it is not another type of growth, including skin cancer. In order to get best results in warts removal, patients will have to take anti-viral medications to treat Human Papilloma Virus in their body and immune support products to keep the natural defense up.
Top 3 popular warts removal methods.
1. Laser warts removal.
This method is considered the most effective and most aesthetical one today. The wart is removed directly with the laser ray. The bleeding stops immediately. Due to the modern technology such method is absolutely painless. Total skin regeneration happens within a month. It is effective to treat both common warts and genital condyloma.
2. Radio Surgical wart removal.
This technology ensures safe and effective removal of warts. They are literally vaporized and seal themselves with no blood, leaving behind no damaged tissue. The procedure is safe and highly effective. Beams are emitted onto the skin penetrating the wart. Healing is rapid and scarring is very unusual.
3. Warts removal with liquid nitrogen.
The method is safe and painless. It suggests deep freezing of a wart. During the process of cryodestruction warts do not have contact with blood, which totally excludes the secondary infection of healthy tissue. Liquid nitrogen has the temperature -196C, when applied to wart causes the erosion that regenerates during next 1-2 weeks.
Depending on the type of the warts different methods may be used. The specific method is determined by the doctor based on numerous conditions, such as type of the wart, condition of the patient, possibility of scars, pain tolerance of the patient, etc.