What exactly is ozone?
Ozone (O3) is the combination of two oxygen molecules (O2) with another singlet oxygen molecule. Ozone acts on red blood cells (RBC) and increases its glucose uptake, thus making them energetic. It causes RBCs to release more Oxygen at tissue level.
In other body cells it accelerates the Krebs cycle which is a series of chemical reactions used by all aerobic organisms to generate energy. It relaxes blood vessel cells, opening up small capillaries; further improving circulation. White blood cells (leukocytes) are stimulated to improve immunity.
The antioxidant enzyme system becomes more efficient, which is highly valuable in treating oxidative stress.
Oxygen thusplays a vital role in maintaining health in the whole body. Ozone is also an extremely effective, safe, and economical method of destroying bacteria, viruses, and yeast. Scientific studies have proven this fact once and for all. A sufficient amount of ozone breaks through the bacteria cell membrane, and this leads to its destruction. Ozone destroys viruses by diffusing through the protein coat into the nucleic acid core, resulting in damage of the viral RNA and etc.
"In one sense of the word, since oxygen is so essential, it might be easily claimed that ozone was indicated in any bodily ailment... there are some diseases in which it is of particular benefit. Among these are anemia; all diseases off the respiratory organs, including tuberculosis; infectious diseases; and all conditions where there is imperfect oxidation and impaired nutrition."
Herapeutic use:
- Dermatology: furunculosis, pyoderma, herpes, fungal infections, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, lichen planus, bullous dermatitis.
- Pathology: chronic hepatitis (including viral), liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, allergies, chronic bronchitis, arthritis, arthritis, heel spurs, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, pyelonephritis.
- Ophthalmology: optic atrophy, retinal atrophy, corneal injury.
- Urology: prostatitis, urethritis, sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, mycoplasma).
- Gynecology: inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, anemia during pregnancy, early toxicosis.
- Neurology: cerebrovascular accident, peripheral nervous system diseases, migraine.
- Dentistry: stomatitis, periodontal, pulpitis.
- Surgery: ulcers, thrombophlebitis, obliteration of the vessels of the lower limbs, burns, chronic osteomyelitis, post-cardiac surgery, correction of homeostasis in the postoperative period. It is also used for the prophylaxis of the chronic fatigue syndrome, flue and other viral infections.
For maintaining natural beauty of your skin:
Cosmetology: acne treatment, skin rejuvenation, cellulite treatment, stretch markstreatment, alopecia treatment, hyperpigmentation treatment, spider veins removal. Ozone does not conceal skin imperfections, it normalizes skin functions. Being a completely natural substance, ozone acts in the whole body, giving every cell the precious oxygen it needs.
Estetic -Sana offers to you:
- Autohemotherapy is the procedure in which Ozone is mixed with the blood outside the body and is re-injected in the vein (in Major Autohemotherapy) or muscle (in Minor Autohemotherapy). These are very popular ways of giving Ozone in Europe. They are excellent for chronic diseases and allergies.
- Ozone is very conveniently given by rectal rout. A small plastic tube is passed up the anus and Ozone is given for about 5 minutes. It is totally painless quick and easy procedure and extremely effective.
- Ozone can be given in vagina in the same way.
- Intraarticular injections for example in the osteoarthritis treatment.
- External application of oxygenated liquids, oils and crème
- Subcutaneous, intradermal injections (acne treatment)
- Skin rejuvenation injections
- Weight loss programs and cellulite treatment
- Spider veins removal
Mostly, Ozone is given for 10 procedures. 10 procedures make one cycle.
Excessive bleeding, thrombocytopenia, hyperthyroidism, acute myocardial infarction. Ozone has been studied in many countries and found to be safe and reliable substance. Nowadays it is widely used in Germany, France, Italy, Russia and many other countries. Health was created by nature itself!